On 16.01.2025, The Vellore Grand Bazaar, A Trade Exposit, was inaugurated by Sri.D.M. Kathir Anand M.P. Deputy Mayor Sri. Sunil Kumar and Zonal Head Srimathi. Pushpalatha were also present . A stall for our Bhagwan Mahaveer Dayaniketan Jain School was allotted for the upcoming 3 days 17th to 19th January 2025. It was inaugurated by the honourable officials. Our Secretary Sri.K Rajesh Kumar Jain honoured the dignitaries with shawl. Our Academic Advisor Mrs.R.Geetha, Principal Mrs.M.Malathi, Administrative Officer Mr.S.Sureshu and many of our school staffs were also present for the Grand Inauguration.
“A new beginning unfolds the bright future to hold.”
This Exposit has Free Entrance too. Parents may also utilise this opportunity of visiting the Grand Bazaar at their convenient time during the next 3 days and We're grateful for the continuous support of our parents, which always makes a significant impact on our school community.