“Talent Wins Games but Teamwork and Intelligence win Championship “
The 29th Annual Sports Meet of our school was held on 1st February, 2025 at Nethaji Indoor Stadium, Vellore. The Chief Guest of this day was Thiru N. Mathivanan I.P.S Superintendent of Police, Vellore District. President Sri.V. Dilip Kumar Jain, Secretary Sri.K.Rajesh Kumar Jain presided over the function and felicitated the gathering.
The March Parade was performed by the 4 houses leded by the Head Boy and Head Girl on the beats of our school Marching Band. This was followed by the lighting of the Olympic Torch, the Declaration of the Sports Meet open by Secretary Sir Sri.K.Rajesh Kumar Jain, the Administration of the Oath (by the school Head Boy) and the liberation of Dove.
Principal welcomed the gathering. Introduction of the Chief Guest by Academic Advisor. The Chief Guest Thiru.N.Mathivanan I.P.S. Superintendent of police, Vellore district honoured with shawl, garland and a memento. He spoke about safe driving and following traffic rules. You Requested the youngsters to drive with a Driving license only and to wear helmets always. He requested the parents and teachers to spread awareness and enforce the importance of having a Driving license before they drive vehicle. He also spoke against the intake of drugs.
The Annual Sports Report was read out by Mr.V.Baskaran (Physical Education Teacher) as our National Level Winners and Players came on the ground to put up a splendid display of their respective sport.
We had Unique Drills bringing out the excellent synchronization of body movements and properties from all classes. Yoga, Pyramid, Silambam, Archery and Karate were the other sports related activities performed by students. Parents and Alumni events were also conducted. Relay for girls and boys was an exciting experience for all.
Certificates and medals were awarded to all the winners. Prizes were also awarded to winner for Teaching and Non – teaching staff events. Vote of Thanks was delivered by Vice Principal of High school. The Sports Day Meet was declared close. Finally ended up with National Anthem.