We, at BMDJS, had started the Karuna club for students about 8 years back. The main objective of the Karuna club is to make our student’s generation responsible and duty conscious.
On 19th August 2022 is world Humanitarian Day. Our 7th standard student Swathi –VII B gave an introduction about Humanitarian.
A World full of humans, But no Humanity.
The stone age has passed but still we live with stone hearts. This is our little protest to be the people with hearts with compassion in this huge world.
Our VII students did the skit based on humanitarian day.
Participants 1. Charan J - VII A
- Pawan E - VII B
- Kabilan D - VII B
- Yashika shree S - VII B
- Hasene K - VII B
- Andrea Zippora V - VII A
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; If a few drops of the ocean are dirty the ocean does not become dirty.
Go into the world and do well, but more importantly. Remember to go into the world and do good.
Wish you a very happy world humanitarian day – Read by swathi – VII B